How do I create categories in absences?

You have to create categories for absences, that's what we'll show you here!

You would like to create an absence category?  

Follow these steps: 

  • In the top banner, click on the tab "absences"
  • Now click on the sub-category "absence categories"
  • Then in the top left corner, click on the blue button "create absence category"
  • In this window you can now configure a new absence category with e.g name, colour etc. 
  • Once you have configured all settings, you can click "save" 

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 14-31-47-png

Hint: If you'd like to create an absence category for all locations, we suggest you create a new location, which is exclusively used for all locations absence category. You could name this for example: absence categories for all locations. 

Why: if you delete a location, all absence categories, as well as past/future absences that were created in this location, will be deleted with this location.